Posts written by anand narayan
10 Everyday Apps Made Using ReactJS
GeneralReact is an open-source JavaScript library and is being maintained by Facebook developers. A lot of big names have adopted it. We tell you 10 such apps.
Software Outsourcing: How To Find The Right Team for Your Product
DevelopmentHow do you go about finding the right outsourced tech team for your product, when there are a zillion vendors available. We give you step by step approach.
Going About Application Development: Basic Methodology
TutorialCreating or outsourcing your application development can be a mind boggling. Check out our 5 step methodology for application development.
‘Swiss knife of analytics’: A Chat With The Founder of
BusinessAs a premium engineering product company we have delivered not just projects, but success stories for entrepreneurs. For every project we take, there is a back story. Story of why it happened and story of the struggle to make
PR 101: Setting Up Your Startup For Success
BusinessPublic relations, traditionally about managing favorable relations with your audience, can be a solid growth hack for your new startup. Read on to learn how
Bangalore – The Globe’s startup hub
GeneralAnand, Codebrahma CEO's view on silicon valley of India, Bangalore. Explaining how Bangalore is catering various startups with technology needs.
7 practices to follow when you offshore development
Research and ArticlesLearn what key factors to consider before hiring an offshore web development partner. Codebrahma is an offshore web application development firm.