

Progressive Web Application development company

We are a leading mobile application developers who are experts in providing the best Progressive Web application development services. If you are looking for a Progressive web application development company your search ends here.

Benefits of PWA

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Increased Engagement, Superior Conversions

Developing a Progressive Web App enables companies to remove friction and experience large increases in engagement and conversions.

Secure with Navigation just like an App

Progressive Web Apps work full screen, live on the home page, and harness the full power of the device. To the consumer, a PWA is nearly indiscernible from a normal app, except for a few key enhancements.

Works in Low Quality Internet connections and offline

Progressive Web Apps use less data than a Native App and work exceptionally well on slow and patchy internet connections.


Why Progressive Web Applications ?

While there are thousands of apps on the Apple App Store and even more on the Google Play Store. Numbers show that 60% of Apps have never been downloaded or used.

The App Store and the Play Store also cause major problems for developers who must work carefully to avoid breaking the rules. The App Store is also a not great for SEO (search engine optimization), because listings are largely excluded from Google search results. Progressive Web Apps circumvent the App Store , allowing users to find your Apps with normal URLs and Google search.

What is the future of Progressive Web applications ?

The research and advisory firm Gartner has predicted that 20% of existing brands will abandon their native apps by 2019 due to “Progressive Web Apps”. Progressive Web Apps allow web developers to deliver web based applications that rival, or even out-perform Native web applications. A Progressive Web App uses modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like user experience. PWAs bring features we expect from native apps to the mobile browser experience. With a PWA, your users always have the latest version of your app. You never have to disturb them with updates. You can do continuous deployments to bring new features and fixes instantly.

Who are using Progressive Web Apps ?

Many companies that have switched over to a PWA have seen a large increases in engagement and conversions.

Twitter experienced a 65% increase in pages per session, 75% increase in tweets sent, and a 20% decrease in bounce rate. Alibaba saw 76% higher conversions across browsers, 14% more monthly active users on iOS (30% more on Android), and 4X higher interaction rate from The Flipkart Lite app has seen three times lower data usage than its native mobile predecessor and has generated a 40% higher re-engagement rate among first-time visitors. Its “Add to Homescreen” icon has generated a 70% higher conversion rate.

There are many other top companies that have also made the switch to Progressive Web Apps like:

  • Alibaba
  • Fandango
  • Flipkart
  • Forbes
  • Jumia Travel
  • Lancôme
  • Ola
  • Twitter
  • Virgin America
  • The Washington Post

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