

How to Secure API Keys in React Apps

Securing API keys in React apps is essential because exposed keys can lead to data breaches, financial losses, and unauthorized access to sensitive services. React's client-side nature makes API keys vulnerable, so developers must take extra precautions. Here's a quick summary of how to protect your keys:

  • Use Environment Variables: Store keys in .env files and exclude them from version control with .gitignore.
  • Set Up a Proxy Server: Keep API keys on the server side and route requests through a backend proxy.
  • Restrict API Access with CORS: Limit access to trusted domains.
  • Add Authentication: Use tools like Auth0 to verify users before granting access.
  • Advanced Techniques: Leverage key management services like AWS Secrets Manager or Azure Key Vault for secure storage and automated key rotation.

How to hide your API keys SAFELY when using React


Understanding Risks of Exposed API Keys

API keys are essential for authenticating your React app's access to external services. However, if these keys are exposed, your app's security could be at serious risk.

Why API Key Security Matters

If an API key is compromised, it can open the door to unauthorized actions, data breaches, financial losses, and even manipulation of your app's critical data. Protecting these keys is non-negotiable.

Common API Key Risks in React Apps

React apps face specific challenges when it comes to keeping API keys secure. Here are some common risks:

Frontend Code Exposure:
Since React apps run in the browser, their frontend code can be inspected by anyone using browser tools. If API keys are hardcoded into the app, they're easily accessible. To address this, developers often use environment variables or proxy servers, which we'll discuss in the next section.

Exposing Keys in Version Control:
It's not uncommon for developers to accidentally commit API keys to version control systems like Git. This mistake can expose keys to public access - even in private repositories. Worse, even if the keys are removed later, past commits may still contain them, leaving a permanent vulnerability.

Inadequate Request Validation:
Without proper validation of incoming requests, attackers can exploit vulnerabilities to bypass security measures or steal API keys. Some common attack methods include:

  • Exploiting weak security mechanisms
  • Injecting harmful data
  • Intercepting keys during data transmission

Hardcoding keys or storing them on the client side makes them particularly easy to exploit. While environment variables offer some protection, they aren't foolproof. If included in the frontend build, these variables can still be exposed through the app's bundle.

Understanding these risks is critical. In the next section, we'll dive into practical steps you can take to secure your API keys and reduce exposure.

Steps to Secure API Keys

Protecting API keys in React applications is crucial to maintaining security. Let’s look at some effective ways to keep your keys safe.

Using Environment Variables for Storage

Store sensitive information like API keys in .env files and ensure .env is listed in .gitignore to avoid exposing it in version control:

// .env

Note: For Create React App projects, always prefix your environment variables with REACT_APP_. This ensures they are properly included during the build process.

# .gitignore

Environment variables are useful for development, but combining them with proxy servers strengthens security for API requests.

Setting Up a Proxy Server

A proxy server acts as a middleman, keeping your API key on the server side. Here's an example:

// frontend request
const getData = async () => {
  const response = await fetch('/api/protected-endpoint');
  return response.json();

// server-side proxy (Express.js example)
app.get('/api/protected-endpoint', (req, res) => {
  const apiKey = process.env.API_KEY;
  // Use the server-side key to make the API call

Restricting API Access with CORS

CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) can limit API access to specific domains, blocking unauthorized requests:

// Server-side CORS configuration
  origin: ['', ''],
  allowedHeaders: ['Content-Type', 'Authorization']

This ensures only trusted domains can interact with your API.

Adding Authentication and Authorization

Incorporate authentication tools like Auth0 to verify users before granting access:

import { useAuth0 } from '@auth0/auth0-react';

function SecureComponent() {
  const { isAuthenticated, getAccessTokenSilently } = useAuth0();

  const callProtectedAPI = async () => {
    const token = await getAccessTokenSilently();
    // Make API calls with the token

Authentication adds an extra layer of security, ensuring only authorized users can access protected resources.

Security Layer Purpose Implementation Complexity
Environment Variables Basic key storage Low
Proxy Server Request intermediary Medium
CORS Policies Domain restriction Low
Authentication User verification Medium-High

Advanced Techniques for API Key Security

Using Key Management Services

When it comes to securely managing API keys, key management services are a critical tool. Here's how two popular services can help:

  • AWS Secrets Manager: This service simplifies secure storage and retrieval of API keys. It also automates key rotation and provides robust access controls. Here's a code example to fetch your API key:
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const secretsManager = new AWS.SecretsManager();

async function getApiKey() {
  const data = await secretsManager.getSecretValue({ SecretId: 'your-secret-name' }).promise();
  return JSON.parse(data.SecretString);
  • Azure Key Vault: Offering HSM-backed security and role-based access control, Azure Key Vault integrates seamlessly with other Azure services. Here's a sample snippet:
const { DefaultAzureCredential } = require("@azure/identity");
const { SecretClient } = require("@azure/keyvault-secrets");

async function getSecureApiKey() {
  const client = new SecretClient("", new DefaultAzureCredential());
  return (await client.getSecret("api-key-name")).value;

Performing Audits and Encrypting Data

To ensure your codebase is free of exposed secrets and vulnerabilities, use tools like SonarQube or CodeFactor. These automate the scanning process, helping you catch issues before they become problems.

For sensitive data, encryption adds an extra layer of security. The crypto-js library allows you to encrypt and decrypt API keys easily:

const CryptoJS = require('crypto-js');

const encryptApiKey = (apiKey, secretKey) => {
  return CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(apiKey, secretKey).toString();

const decryptApiKey = (encryptedKey, secretKey) => {
  const bytes = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(encryptedKey, secretKey);
  return bytes.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);

Security Tools and Features at a Glance

Security Measure Tools Features
Key Management AWS Secrets Manager, Azure Key Vault Automated rotation, secure storage, access control
Code Analysis SonarQube, CodeFactor Scans for vulnerabilities and exposed secrets
Encryption crypto-js AES encryption for sensitive data

For applications with stricter security requirements, these advanced techniques can significantly enhance your API key protection when paired with the basic methods discussed earlier.

Wrapping Up API Key Security in React Apps

Protecting API keys in React apps is crucial to avoid data breaches and unauthorized access. Using a mix of basic and advanced strategies can help safeguard your application effectively.

Environment variables are a key starting point, keeping sensitive credentials out of your codebase. Pairing this with proxy servers and CORS policies adds another layer of protection, reducing the risk of exposing sensitive data on the client side.

For more advanced security, tools like AWS Secrets Manager and Azure Key Vault offer secure storage, automated key rotation, and strict access controls. These solutions directly address the risks of exposed API keys, such as unauthorized access or data breaches, by keeping your keys secure and well-managed.

Incorporating authentication and authorization mechanisms ensures that only permitted users can access your API endpoints. This not only aligns with security best practices but also maintains smooth app performance.

Security Layer Implementation Benefits
Basic Measures Environment Variables, CORS Protects sensitive data in code
Intermediate Measures Proxy Server, Authentication Validates and filters requests
Advanced Measures Key Management, Encryption Ensures secure storage and rotation


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about securing API keys in React apps, based on the security methods covered earlier.

How can API keys be stored securely in React?

Use .env files to store API keys and make sure these files are excluded from version control by adding them to .gitignore. Access the keys in your React components through process.env. For a step-by-step guide, check out the "Using Environment Variables for Storage" section mentioned earlier.

How can I prevent API keys from being exposed in the network in React?

A proxy server is a reliable way to handle API requests securely. It ensures that API keys are not directly exposed in the client-side code.

Here are some key layers of protection:

Protection Layer Implementation Method Security Advantage
Proxy Server Use a backend intermediary service Keeps API keys hidden from the client-side
Environment Variables Store keys in .env files Keeps sensitive data out of the codebase
CORS Policies Set server-side headers Restricts API access to trusted domains

What steps should I take to secure APIs in React?

Securing APIs involves multiple layers of protection. Using authentication methods along with key management services adds a strong defense.

For enterprise-level applications, tools like AWS Secrets Manager or Azure Key Vault can handle tasks like automated key rotation, encryption, and access control. For more details, refer to the "Advanced Techniques for API Key Security" section.

Some essential security measures include:

  • Implementing authentication methods like OAuth or JWT tokens
  • Conducting regular security audits
  • Monitoring access to APIs
  • Encrypting data both in transit and at rest
Written by
Anand Narayan
Published at
Dec 06, 2024
Posted in
Web Security
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