

Posts in the category “business”

Building Software Products Your Users Will Love


Building software products users love is not easy. More than 90% of companies fail to do so. Read on to know how to create apps that your users will love!

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Chatbots for Businesses: Does Your Business Need A Chatbot?


Chatbots are the all-rage these days. Everyone is gushing about how chatbots can benefit your business. But does your business really need a chatbot?

‘Swiss knife of analytics’: A Chat With The Founder of


As a premium engineering product company we have delivered not just projects, but success stories for entrepreneurs. For every project we take, there is a back story. Story of why it happened and story of the struggle to make

PR 101: Setting Up Your Startup For Success


Public relations, traditionally about managing favorable relations with your audience, can be a solid growth hack for your new startup. Read on to learn how

Introduction to Cryptocurrencies


This blog post takes a simplified look at cryptocurrencies like bitcoin to help everyone understand what it is, how it works, and its implications.

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