

4 Steps to Building a Cloud-Ready Application Architecture

Most experts agree that by the year 2020, nearly 83 percent of enterprise workloads will be based in the cloud. In just the past few years, the number of businesses using cloud-based tools has exploded.

If your company is in the business of developing applications for mass consumption, finding a way to make these programs more functional and reliable is a must. Many of the most popular apps on the market have found a way to seamlessly integrate cloud technology into their interface.

Are you looking for a way to build cloud-ready application architecture? If so, consider the following tips for success.


1. Work On Making Security Systemic

One of the biggest mistakes app developers make is treating security as an afterthought. Failing to take the security of your app seriously will result in a number of problems in the future.

When attempting to build a success cloud-ready architecture for your app, be sure to make the security within the program as systemic as possible. The only way to do this is by building security tools to go in the actual architecture instead of using third-party programs.

When attempting to come up with the right security architecture for your app, be sure to consider the industry it will be operating in. For instance, an app for a healthcare company will need to be HIPAA compliant. Neglecting to consider this important factor will lead to fines and a number of other mishaps along the way.

2. Your App Needs to be a Collection of Services

When developing cloud-based apps, you need to think about making it a collection of services. By doing this, you can make your app more useful for the client.

Most developers with limited experience in the cloud fail to realize how complex it can be to build these types of programs. Ideally, you want to use loosely coupled applications to avoid issues with user interface and data restrictions.

By providing clients with a treasure-trove of tools in a particular cloud-based app, you can keep them coming back for more. As you build more cloud-based programs, you will start to find a groove. This groove will allow you to build and launch new applications in a timely manner.

3. Avoid Chatty Application Components

One of the main reasons why business owners and consumers love cloud-based apps is due to how fast and efficient they are. If you want to ensure your new app is fast, you need to be careful when adding chatty application components.

These types of components will require constant communication with other parts of the app. While this may sound like a good thing, it can actually slow down your app significantly. The slower your cloud-based app runs, the higher the risk of users uninstalling it will be.

The best way to catch these performance issues is by adequately monitoring your app’s infrastructure. The tools provided by companies like AppOptics will keep you informed about how well your program is performing.


4. Create App Architecture That is Easy to Scale

The main goal you should have as an app developer is providing consumers with a product they will love. If your app starts to gain popularity, it will usually get put through the paces. Instead of dealing with outages or crashes, you need to create architecture that is easy to scale.

By keeping an eye on future growth during the development process, you can keep your program running like a well-oiled machine.

Take Your Time When Developing New Apps Rushing through the app development process is a recipe for disaster. Taking your time and testing the app at each stage of development can help you find and fix problems with ease.

Written by
Anand Narayan
Published at
Apr 05, 2019
Posted in
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